I <3 sluts, also, the story between 2 hardcore bands involving accusations of wiggerdom, tourbus blowjobs, and backstage fights

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. Well this week, despite a sesh today going through some music blogs looking for relevant new deathcore bands to jam, I’ve been listening to a shit load of pop and crunkcore. Which I guess is ok, cos apart from Rowan, no one else really seems to dig metal.

Then again, no one likes crunkcore.

So fuck it.

Hungary seems to be the new epicenter of Deathcore, for unknown reasons. I just love it when cute places like eastern Europe try and be like Americans, I find it adorable. Here is one such band called “Slaughter At The Engagement Party”, with their hit single, “Hang ’em in the front yard”.

It’s 2010 and death metal bands now look like this. Arn’t they cute, they almost look like real Americans!!! Cept the guy on the right, he looks far more typically Hungarian, he could be working in a takeaway shop and not be out of place saying “..and what for you my friend?” when you walk up to the counter.

Also, since having been at Mark’s flat this week and having caught some kind of VH1 “Rihanna vs Beyonce” special. I have also been diggin’ Rihanna’s Disturbia, which is a pretty jammin track. It’s got that dancy beat and some cool autotune moments (I fucking love autotune!). All ppl like Beyonce and Rihanna, I guess pop chicks in general, seem to flick between awesome dancy tunes you can get crunk to in a decent setting, and really really gay ballads, normally with stupid fucking black and white videos. No one listens to disposable pop for a deep message, so just give us some catchy tunes for us to dance to! Disturbia is one such good example.

Also, pretty certain that Rihanna would be much more fun to hang out with irl than Beyonce. Beyonce seems like kina a buzz killington, while I recon Rihanna would be much more down to get “fucked up”, and have fun/substance abuse/silly convos without getting all offended over something trivial. Plus Beyonce strikes me as the kind of pretentious cunt who’s always out to prove her intelligence, and so will never cross certain lines. Plus shes meant to be redic religious, so that would probably put a damper on most amoral fun.

Another such group, lying somewhere between crunkcore and straight up pop, is The Millionaires, and amoral fun is totally their jam.

Which one would you most like to eff?

I totally 100% non ironically love these girls, for their sheer lack of any general pretention, amoung other things. Oh and this tweet, which has to be the best thing twitter has ever done:

Cool that their shindig is pretty much “yeah, we’re sluts, so what”, espesh when ppl like Beyonce are constantly trying to go for the whole pseudo intellectual route. I imagine when/if they get bigger then other such pop starlets will start to bitch and get all butthurt because they’re perpetualting a negative stereotype/image/role model/standard, but who gives a fuck right?

Actually, I guess Ke$ha already exists, and gets that kina shit 24/7, so yeah, point proved.

Love girls who are unappologetically slutty/d2f, or at least cool with going for that image, without nessacerily effing tons of guys. Like, dudes are always cool withit, but the sec chicks try and do the same kind of thing in music, tons of hipster faggots come and call them talentless sluts, which may be true, but is kina besides the point, cos they make fun tunes.

Speaking of Ke$ha, who im kina into, although only know that one song, tiktok, or whatever, as well as autotune abuse, this cover of said Ke$ha song, by one of the current crunkcore “heartthobs”, T Mills, is pretty dope.

This will be on my summer playlist. Maybe on “morning jamz”

Also, to end on a heavier note, I will leave you with some Acacia Strain, which has also been my Jam this week. They play an extremely negatively vibed brand of hardcore, which some people like to refer to as xregretxcorex. Hardcore seems to be split down to middle with bands whose message is “Believe in yourself, fuck yeah, lets do this, hugghhhh!!” and beat their chests and make wiggerish arm movements, and bands whose message is “I am a massive fuck up, and I will fucking kill you”, and beat their chests and make wiggerish arm movements.

Anyways, this song, Skynet, is aimed at another band called Emmure, who TAS have beef with for stealing their sound. As you can tell by the video, which basically makes fun of Emmure for being huge wiggers (those in glass houses, am I rite?!?), as well as some pretty direct lyrics.

If you think like a whore then you’re a fucking whore.
Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery.
Why would you ever want to be like me?
We are all someone else’s terrible idea.
If you catch the evil twin then why would you keep it alive?
If you feel the fucking daggers then why not just step aside?
You are all bastard children and you’ve taken it all the wrong way.
Keep fooling yourself with you unappreciation.
Look into my eyes and know that I can see right through you.
I’ll erase you from the thoughts and tongues of everyone you know.
Even if you apologized to me right now it would mean nothing.
Cry to me and beg for mercy all you want, you’re fucking dead.
I don’t care when or why you cry.
I just want to be there when you die.
I’ll be collecting soon.
I’ll be coming for my payment soon.
You’re nothing but a fucking pig.
And you owe me your life.
Vanflip times a thousand.
Don’t believe the hype.
No care ever.

Anyway, The Acacia strain have been around for a while, and seem to be basically be annoyed at alot of the younger bands in this scene they helped create, acting like huge wiggers, which this video is a direct dig at, but at Emmure more than any.

Emmure, sporting 2 new era caps in one photo. Pretty sure that one was the limit for hardcore bands (I think this allowance becomes 2 if you actually have a black guy in your band, i.e Oceano, or Her Demise, My Rise)

This beef could have quite easily ended there, with no further words said, but then Emmure responded in two ways.

1. Emmure’s singer, Frankie, got a blowjob from Vincent’s (TAS’s singer) ex girlfriend on their tourbus

2. In their next album, “Felony”, Emmure write a song about said blowjob, and basically use it as an opportunity to backtalk TAS!

All of a sudden: ITS ON!

Said blowjob song by Emmure, the tittersomely titled R2 Deepthroat:

I can see right through you
Now tell me does that sound familiar?

Now that I got your attention
I just wanted to say
I am so flattered that you mention my name
You’ve been paying my bills for way too long
And I’m so happy that you just can’t stop talking shit

Keep running your mouth

I keep cashing checks
Snapping necks
So keep running your mouth

I keep them shook crews running
Like they supposed to
You come around but you never come close to

I can see it inside your face
You’re in the wrong place

I implore you to comprehend
I’m more machine now than man

You’re so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don’t you

So much for plagiarism
So much for you to waste your breath running your mouth
A rat race to the top
Sore losers never satisfied with what they’ve got

Your career is flipping
So do me a favor
The next time you see her
Ask your girl what my dick tastes like


I just love the “ask yo girl what my dick tastes like!” moment at 1:50, followed by an awesome twangy groove riff

So now Vincent from the Acacia Strain was “positively fuming” at these events, and so in retaliation turned up at an Emmure show backstage, and the two duked it out. Not sure who won, probably Vincent, cos hes bigger, although Frankie will have had the rest of his band nearby.

Was hoping they would have a driveby tbh, but hey, the scene’s relatively young. Still waiting for hardecore to get it’s own “Biggy and Tupac” moment.

Also, Mace, Bro, Dude, Brodude, we need a “pop” and “crunkcore” tag

Sorted dude!